
Do I Have ADHD?

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is characterized by a persistent pattern of inattention, hyperactivity, forgetfulness, and impulsivity, among other signs, that interfere with normal life. If a person portrays such traits, consult a qualified healthcare professional since the disorder shares symptoms with some mental conditions such as anxiety and depression. The psychiatrist can carry out an ADHD testing to assess the client. Here are some symptoms that a person with ADHD may have:


A person with ADHD may fidget, talk excessively, be restless, and be constantly on the move. It is difficult for the individual to be still, pay attention, or engage in activities quietly. The individual may also engage in risky behaviors or make impulsive decisions.


An individual with ADHD finds it difficult to concentrate, follow instructions, pay attention to details, or concentrate. The client gets distracted by external activities, is forgetful, or loses things often. The disorder may also cause the individual to forget necessary information, such as phone numbers, names, addresses, or dates.


Forgetfulness also characterizes ADHD. The inability to remember information may cause the client to miss appointments, events, and deadlines. A student with the disorder may struggle with lectures, as they may forget what they hear, read, or study. The client may also have challenges engaging in conversations because of their inability to recall key details necessary in a discussion.


ADHD may cause a person to act irrationally and on a spur of a moment without reflecting on the outcomes. The individual may engage in risky activities, such as gambling, unprotected sexual activities, and substance abuse. Such a client may not delay gratification, struggle to make solid decisions, or cannot think about the consequences of their actions.


ADHD may make a person disorganized, lose items often, and keep their space in disarray. The person may have challenges organizing, categorizing, or prioritizing tasks. The individual cannot keep track of possessions, routines, or complete chores. Disorganization can affect their mental ability and hamper their ability to share information with other people.

Inability to Focus

Hyperactivity, inability to pay attention, and forgetfulness can cause a person with ADHD not to focus. The person may switch from one task to another or leave behind a trail of incomplete activities. The client may also have trouble identifying and prioritizing necessary tasks.  


A person with ADHD can be irritable and easily frustrated by themselves or others. The irritation may lead to emotional outbursts or impulsive reactions. The person may not control negative emotions and reactions well. Criticisms, challenges, and failures can lead to avoidant, defensive, and angry behavior.

Poor Social Skills

A person who is impulsive, irritable, and hyperactive may say or do socially unacceptable activities. The individual may interrupt conversations, struggle with turn-taking, or make inappropriate comments. The inability to read social cues may hinder the individual’s ability to regulate emotions or behavior while in social settings.

Poor Time Management

A person with ADHD may struggle to plan their day, make decisions, or prioritize tasks, leading to poor time management. Switching from one task to another incomplete chore can also be a time waster. The inability to pay attention and forgetfulness may cause a person to struggle with tasks and not meet deadlines.  

ADHD in Adults and Children

ADHD symptoms vary between adults and children. An adult may have symptoms such as forgetfulness, lack of organization, poor social skills, and time management. The child’s symptoms may include impulsive and hyperactive behaviors and inability to pay attention. If an individual has several of the disorder’s symptoms, it is key to seek professional ADHD testing to establish if they have the disorder or if they are struggling with a different issue. 

Get Started With Professional ADHD Testing  

ADHD is a disorder characterized by hyperactive, impulsive, forgetful, and inattentive symptoms, among others. The condition may negatively affect a person’s social, academic, and professional life. It is key for an individual who has had some of the ADHD symptoms for several months to consult a psychiatrist for a professional diagnosis. ADHD testing is the only means to confirm if a client has the disorder since the disorder has similar traits to some mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression. 

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